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My Fault for Waiting Mixed by Dcp
This track ended up being harder to mix than I was expecting, the version I've uploaded here was my third mix of the 3 I actually saved. The weird thing is that overall it isn't a bad set of multitracks, I guess it's just me Tongue. Anyhow this is the mix.

For the drums I sample replaced them with my usual EzDrummer Samples but this time on the Drum Buss I used Softube Saturation Knob and the Focusrite Scarlett Compressor which gave me a gritty and punchy sound. After that I used some Paralell Compression on the kick, snare, and Toms Via another instance of Saturation Knob and Audio Damage Rough Rider compressor to make them pop. For the verb on the snare and toms the Softube TSAR-1R which came with my new interface worked really well for this track.

Bass is the same as my other more recent mixes, Guitar Rig 5 Ampeg emulation.

I used the DI tracks for the guitars, the main rhythm guitars are run though guitar rig 5 with the 5150 emulation and a Gods Cab inpulse. Clean guitars are run through guitar rig's Cool Plexi model which emulates the clean sound of a marshall and boosted with a treble booster. The lead guitar is run though Guitar rig's JCM 800 model and boosted with a treble booster. after that, just some eq to fit the guitars in.

Vocals were compressed using 3 different compressors, a Waves CLA 2a, Waves CLA 76, and Reaper's Reacomp. Then they were eq'd to taste and an instance of saturation knob for colour and a deeser to block anything harsh from coming though. I used Softube Tube Delay and TSAR-1R to give them some space.

On the master buss I used The SSL Master section Model in NLS for some crunch, the Drawmer S73 compressor on the gentle comp setting with the air switch on for some sheen on the cymbals, and Kramer Tape to glue it all together.

I mastered this to K12 with a waves L1, some soft clipping, Aphex Exciter, and TDR Kotelnikov compressor.

Please leave you comments and critiques below and enjoy!

Update 2017: It's been a minute since I touched this track and played around with it, I wanted to try something different that I normally do with my basic mix and that is level balancing to pink noise. The process itself is pretty simple, just turn down all the faders for each track of the project you're working on, load up a pink noise sample and loop it for the length of the track, and while the pink noise is playing at unity gain (-20 dBFS in my case) start adding in the first track until you can hear it over the noise and then bring it back down until it disappears and tucks under the noise abit. When that's done on your first track mute it and repeat the same process for the rest.

After doing this I was left with a fairly balanced basic mix and with some minor level tweaking and automation it started to sound pretty solid. I found that I didn't need much in the way of Eq and compression, moreso basic housekeeping moves (Highpass,a gate, and some low mid cuts on the kick, some compression and tine shaping eq on the snare, and sidechain compressed overheads to take the snare hit down abit.) I still opted to reamp the guitars and the bass was in need of some compression and limiting to even it out.

The big thing I did notice is that the resulting mix reacts well to limiting and mastering compression, you can slam it all into a limiter and it doesn't freak out at all, it seems to evenly boost the entire mix rather than just slam the loudest element down and boost everything else. What I've uploaded is a mix with a limiter brought up to a commercial level (-1 dBFS on the choruses and louder sections) and it seems to have just turned the mix up rather than slamming it and taking away the punch of the mix.

What do you guys think?


Update 2: After listening back on a home system I made some adjustments to the bass and guitars and added some reverb to the SFX tracks to make them more ambient sounding. I backed off the limiter a touch to give a little more breathing room.

.mp3    It Was My Fault For Waiting Mix 1.mp3 --  (Download: 5.72 MB)

.mp3    It Was My Fault For Waiting Pink Noise Mix.mp3 --  (Download: 5.59 MB)

.mp3    It Was My Fault For Waiting Pink Noise Mix 2.mp3 --  (Download: 5.56 MB)

Mixing is way more art and soul than science. We don’t really know what we’re doing. We do it because we love music! It’s the love of music first. Eddie Kramer

Gear list: Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Mbox Mini w/Pro Tools Express, Reaper, Various plugins, AKG K240 MKii, Audio Technica ATH M50x, Yorkville YSM 6

Messages In This Thread
My Fault for Waiting Mixed by Dcp - by dcp10200 - 23-07-2016, 03:50 PM
RE: My Fault for Waiting Mixed by Dcp - by Konek - 24-07-2016, 12:36 AM
RE: My Fault for Waiting Mixed by Dcp - by Konek - 24-07-2016, 10:42 AM