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The Dice Mix... New to mixing so please be critical
I second Dustin on this. Your levels in general are pretty good, but they are definitely mid heavy. However, there is a fine fine line between anemic/full and clear/too thick.

I like your artistic delay uses, but maybe play around with timing a little bit on some of them. They don't quite hit with the music ("roll the dice little girl" is an example of it). It may technically be in time, but it doesn't seem to hit the groove of the song.

I do think your snare will have more impact when clearing out some of the low mids (the biggest offender is the bass with the gits being a close second).

Maybe your gits could be higher during the choruses. It seems like they drop coming into the 3rd chorus before the bridge. You may have them coming up in your automation, but it almost sounds like your Buss Compressor is being hit harder during the second chorus, so the overall volume dropped (except your drums and vocals don't seem to come down that much, so maybe it is automation).

Definitely make sure you are A/Bing those commercial mixes and various volumes, btw, so that you can hear how your cans and mixes are affected just by changing your overall volume.

Nice work, keep it up!


*addendum: Your bass is too loud overall by the end of the mix. I like the effort to get more energy in the end, but the bass becomes very prominent.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Dice Mix... New to mixing so please be critical - by loweche6 - 06-07-2016, 05:27 PM