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Four Grahams - DWM Mix & Master
This was a fun song. I've mixed this one using only stock plug-ins and didn't like what I came up with, so I came back a month or so later to try with what I normally use. I then took the stems (Drums, gars, etc) and fed them through my API 3124+ just to see what would happen. And wow... It added some great weight and beef to the tracks.

I have 3 "mixes" up. The first is a Mastered version. The "final product" if you will, and the next two are the mixes (not mastered) one the stock mix digitally summed, and the next is individually stem "printed" through my API pre's then digitally summed in Ableton.

I do feel that I could go back and make the song a bit more dynamic, i feel that the performance is a little flat. Its just all out all the time. The chorus doest punch like one should... I could go back and automate that, but I won't.

Curious to hear what you think about the mix though!

.mp3    Four Graham - Master.mp3 --  (Download: 5.09 MB)

.mp3    Four Graham Mix.mp3 --  (Download: 5.09 MB)

.mp3    Four Graham Mix - No API.mp3 --  (Download: 5.09 MB)


Messages In This Thread
Four Grahams - DWM Mix & Master - by davidwmontgomery - 28-05-2016, 02:39 AM
RE: Four Grahams - DWM Mix & Master - by Shul - 28-05-2016, 08:50 PM