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Alone with You (Been away for a while :) )
Hey Shul,
I like your mix it sounds pretty solid and well balanced.
Just some nit pics !
The intro sound great with the acoustic guitars sounding nice and full, when the music comes, in can hear some low frequencies cluttering up the mix a touch and taking away some punch.
I'm only guessing but rolling off a touch more low end on the acoustics below 200 may leave some room for the bass and vocals ,which I had done in my mix but sounds too thin in the intro so maybe one thing I am going to try, is adding a separate track with rolled off low frequencies on the acoustics when the bass comes in or balancing some bass and vocals around the 120 -250 area.
There maybe some loose low frequencies of the bass 40hz and below clashing with the kick.
A touch more air on the snare reverb would sound cool
Just some guesses and personal taste thoughts while having a listen.
Well Done.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Alone with You (Been away for a while :) ) - by thedon - 07-05-2016, 10:46 AM