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Benjamin John: 'Better Way'Don's mix
OK. I have to be honest, I wasn't over the moon about this mix. I read the rest of the reviews and Obelix here comes closest to my opinion:

(16-03-2016, 09:46 AM)Obelix Wrote: Good sounding mix, a little bit too bright. I think that you cut too much low mids. Otherwise, a little more bass, and there will be nothing to complain about.

Additionally, it sounded to me like the vocals were squashed a bit with compression. Not a good thing for a song with this 50s retro sound; the vocals need to sound more open and natural to fit with the vibe. I'd dial that compression way back. I also felt the vocals were a little too bright themselves, though comparing it against my mix my vocals could probably be a little brighter; I suspect the sweet spot for vocal tone is somewhere in between what you did and what I did.

Mind you, these vocals were a bit of a pain in the a** to work with because of the heavy sibilance problem, particularly on the lead. I tried using a de-esser but it stripped the vocal of too much air. That's when I realized when analyzing the problem that the level of the sibilance was way above the level of the voice; that gave me an idea. I used a multiband compressor set to compress only in the high band adjusted to the frequencies where the sibilance problem was. Since the sibilance was so loud, it triggered the compressor only during the sibilance; otherwise the signal was left unchanged. This had the effect of knocking down the sibilance without robbing the vocal of its air. Problem solved. Wink

I was kinda on the fence about the drums, particularly the snare. At some points, the additional power was welcome, helped that snare jump out of the mix, but towards the end the snare got overbearing, too loud. I'm not usually a fan of automating drum levels but in this case you might try bringing the snare down 3-4 dB during the final moments when it gets so much louder.

Hard to tell if this was because of the compression or not but I felt the vocal levels in general were quite a bit too loud, particularly the lead vocal. Ironically, though, it felt like the vocals were getting lost in the arrangement at the very end, too. The vocal EQ balance overall sounded a bit AM-radioish to me. That'd be OK for dramatic effect at selected points given the retro feel of the song but it tends to come off a little grating when it's like that through the whole song.

Finally, and this is just a personal taste suggestion based on the choice I made in my mix, I'd also automate the backing vocals on the final harmony and bring them down to really soft; I find the shift in dynamic gives the song a true sense of the melancholy and regret. "There's gotta be a better way to say the things I should've told you yesterday..."

My God the end of this song always makes me sad... Sad

Anyway, those are my thoughts.

Looking forward to your next stab at this one. Wink
John A. Ardelli
Pedaling Prince Pictures

Messages In This Thread
Benjamin John: 'Better Way'Don's mix - by thedon - 14-03-2016, 10:32 AM
RE: Benjamin John: 'Better Way'Don's mix - by Pedaling Prince - 03-04-2016, 05:42 PM