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Don't Let The Devil Take Your Mind - HB Mix
Very nice mix! This is very clean. I hear what the other members are saying about the bass but I don't see it as a problem for this recording. I do a lot of live recording and mixing live material. Mic bleed is just part of the overall sound. It's part of what makes it sound "live" .Mixing live material is a completely different mindset from mixing studio recorded material. You have to approach it more from the perspective of a live sound engineer than a recording engineer.

My two pieces of advise; First, use a little less compression. Again, this is a live track and you want to preserve as much of that live energy as possible. Second, regarding the bass/kick issue, I use this trick on almost every mix I do. I use an API 2500 plugin on the bass channel side chained to the kick drum. I set the ratio at 6:1 with a fast attack and a hard knee. I then use the HP feature to let the bass guitar ring through except for the low end when the kick is engaged. This allows the kick to be heard over top of the low end of the bass without having to duck the whole instrument.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Don't Let The Devil Take Your Mind - HB Mix - by k14studios - 23-01-2016, 09:37 PM