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Forkupines 'Sleep By The Fire, Bloom In Water' Mix
Hey everyone,

Finished this mix not too long ago. It was a lot of fun, and I am definitely really proud of this one. I'll briefly go over what I did to achieve this sound. All of my processing was done in Pro Tools 11 using stock plug-ins.

Drums - First off, I did a substantial amount of E.Q.'ing on the kick and snare's high end content to get it to cut through the mix better. I used the kick and snare to also duck the bass about 2db throughout the song. I basically left the toms alone, just sending them to their own bus of parallel compression. I also sent my kick and snare to their own busses for parallel compression. In addition to all of this, I also sent my entire drums subgroup to a parallel compression subgroup and routed that to my main mix bus. In the bridge I automated in some heavy reverb and dropped out most of the dry signal.

Bass - For the bass I inserted the PSA-1 plug-in onto the DI track and blended that with the actual sans amp track. Also did some compression, Boost in the low mid range, followed by more compression. I also sent both the DI track and the sans amp track to a bus of parallel compression to increase RMS.

Guitars - I was really trying to remove some muddiness and leave room for the bass and kick here, so I did quite a bit of high pass filtering and some cuts in the low mid frequencies. I also side-chained the guitars with the vocal signal, and compressed on the main guitar sub-group. A bit of stereo width in addition really helped them spread out a bit.

Vocals - For the vocals I did a little bit of leveling compression and some brightening with E.Q. in addition to cutting the low frequencies out. Did a really basic chain for the chorus vocal of sending a delay to a reverb. Not too much really going on here, played around with some slight delay offsets to play off the nyquist theory and thicken up the chorus a bit.

Mix Bus - For the overall mix bus I did a bit of compression with the channel strip. I also did some overall stereo widening on the bus and a slight boost in the low mid and very high frequencies. I also blended in a parallel gated track of the overall mix bus for some fun.

If you guys have any other questions let me know, and leave some comments/critiques on what can be improved or what worked well.

.m4a    Forkupines_SleepByTheFireBloomInWater.m4a --  (Download: 6.33 MB)


Messages In This Thread
Forkupines 'Sleep By The Fire, Bloom In Water' Mix - by MopeyChameleon - 12-01-2016, 05:03 PM