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Hey man. These are just some things I reacted to when listening:

Guitars seemed to be where they should be. Maybe a bit brighter and wider, it seems kinda thin as far as stereo field, but overall they sound good.

Vocals are vocals. They sound just fine and sit on top nicely. Maybe some delay to fill them out, but not much.

I lost the kick in the bass. That bass is doing nothing but chugging so it's not... that important. I'd rather hear and feel the slap of the kick than the distortion and pick of the bass.

Snare sounds good, but again, it's lost in the muddy mid range of the vocals and guitars. Even the bass that's up there.

Overall this is a solid start with the individual tracks sounding good, but they need to be balanced and carved to make space for everything else. Think of your frequency band as a series of slots that only one instrument can fit in. That will help you create a wide and full sounding mix. Also, watch the end fade out. The noise comes back up from the compression then it just hard cuts off. It's the small details like that you can't miss.

Keep rocking man!

Messages In This Thread
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RE: Bannockburn - by wesleyamltd - 28-12-2015, 03:48 PM
RE: Bannockburn - by spanky - 09-01-2016, 07:17 PM
RE: Bannockburn - by wesleyamltd - 10-01-2016, 12:31 PM
RE: Bannockburn - by spanky - 14-01-2016, 03:32 AM
RE: Bannockburn - by wesleyamltd - 14-01-2016, 02:19 PM