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MerryGold (an exercise restraint mix)
(23-11-2015, 06:59 PM)LightYearRecords11 Wrote: I did enjoy mixing this song. It was quick, and had a lot of great room content to mix and use for spatial imaging. I used my usual template with Slate VCC, VTM, VBC, and VMR with Waves SSL 4K E strips on all channels. I minimized the amount of heavy saturation I used on channels, and worked for a more delicate sound and ethereal stereo image with the vocals punching right through middle.

So I really somewhat mixed it like I would a pop ballad, but not as much punch and aggression.
Hi LightYearRecords11,
Nice and generally cohesive. Everything sounds like it is on one stage except in the chorus when the main vocal has a delay doing a bit of ping-pong effect. To my taste it seems a bit out of context. That effect might be reduced by doing some de-essing on the main vocal before other FX.
I also noticed a slow moving flange in the main vocal. I've heard this in a couple others' mixes and I wonder if if might be a phasing issue with the room mics rather than an FX artifact. This fairly bright mix brings more attention to that...
Would like to hear that guitar solo in the middle pop out a bit more. I see that portion as a major feature or hook.
Interesting mix,

Messages In This Thread
RE: MerryGold (an exercise restraint mix) - by WaltsAudio - 24-11-2015, 03:48 AM