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Please comment on my mix.
Hi Azusa

I like that you have introduced a very interesting effect as part of the outro - a unique and creative touch.

A couple of things I'm hearing;

The backing vocals which go from L-R-C seem to be quiet at first and then creep up for the next couple of "daddy come around" bits. Maybe look at automating the volume to keep them at roughly the same level. It sound as if the backing vocalist is a bit shy then gets her courage up to start singing louder Wink

I can hear Xabix's voice in my head reminding me of creating 'air' and 'space' in a mix and I think his wise words could apply to this track as well. You have the left-right balance covered, but everything seems to be, for the most part, all up front. Some elements could be pushed back a little with a bit of gentle reverb, especially the backing vocals. Not to say that you should drench everything in a wash of reverb, just a bit of tasteful 0.6 to 1 second room on a few elements to get them to sit back from my earholes a little bit.
You have a bit of reverb on the kick already, maybe select a few other instruments to be sent to the same effect - that way it will sound like everything is sitting in the one room together.

Hope some of this can help you for your your future mixes. Of course, much of what I have suggested could fall under the 'personal taste' category and may be politely ignored Big Grin

So many songs, so little time!

Messages In This Thread
Please comment on my mix. - by Azusa - 05-04-2013, 12:59 AM
RE: Please comment on my mix. - by Azusa - 13-04-2013, 11:54 PM
RE: Please comment on my mix. - by takka360 - 14-04-2013, 12:09 AM
RE: Please comment on my mix. - by Dags - 14-04-2013, 12:49 PM
RE: Please comment on my mix. - by Azusa - 15-04-2013, 12:09 AM