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The Brew - 'What I Want' mix
Hmm, was intrigued by this thread, and all the comments, so thought I'd have a listen.

You were asking for critiques. You put down Mixinthecloud for giving a critique that indicated a lack of experience. Then you put down The_Metallurgist for giving a very in-depth critique, which demonstrated a heap of experience. After listening to your mix, I'm actually agreeing with The_Metallurgist on all the points that are withing my experience range: noise on the R channel...yes; too much mid-range on guitar delays & BV's...well maybe this would clear things up a little-certainly the lead vox isn't as clear as it could be; wide piano sound...yes, it does seem a bit wide in comparison to the other instruments; re fundamental of kick, well can't really comment on that, but it does sound like your bass is stronger at lower frequencies than the kick; and why not try implementing his mastering comments - you never know, it could work.

I know it's hard to receive detailed comments, The_Metallurgist gave me some hard words on one of my mixes recently, but when I went back and listened to my mix, he was actually right, and now I'm just that bit better as a mixer as a result.

On the whole, apart from that lack of clarity on lead vox (and snare) this is a pretty good mix. Personally, I don't like the creative panning on the lead guitar during the solo, but that's a preference thing.

Sounds like a great song to mix, will try my hand at it soon.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Brew - 'What I Want' mix - by Robert - 01-05-2013, 11:55 AM
RE: The Brew - 'What I Want' mix - by Dags - 02-05-2013, 01:09 AM
RE: The Brew - 'What I Want' mix - by Audiomuze - 28-06-2015, 12:51 PM
RE: The Brew - 'What I Want' mix - by Audiomuze - 29-06-2015, 01:41 AM
RE: The Brew - 'What I Want' mix - by thedon - 29-06-2015, 09:31 AM