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Great song, great shouter, good riffs - was a blast to mix =)
I've gotten good results from time to time bussing tracks based on frequency range/musical contribution like that, but most often that seems to turn out a confused sounding mix when I try it, probably because I mostly use stock processors out of necessity. You've got pretty nice plugins, which probably makes processing big chunks of the mix a lot easier... I'm afraid to process my entire midrange with one instance of ReaEQ Tongue

Your mix is proof of concept for what I've been trying to explain to some of the newbies here lately, that they should be doing most of their mixing with the faders and pan pots and easing up on the plugins, at least with good recordings.

If you're not EQing the kick, is it the buss processing that's sitting it so well with the bass? Sometimes I wonder about using the "mix glue" concept people use on the master to a kick/bass buss when there's double-kick craziness like this.
I'm grateful for comments and suggestions. Thank you for listening!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Great song, great shouter, good riffs - was a blast to mix =) - by pauli - 27-04-2015, 12:40 AM