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Young Griffo Pennies

are you sure that this is your 3rd complete mix ever? I wish my mixes would have sounded that good when I was in that stage...

Anyway, I have some comments to make:

The intro-guitar sounds very hollow. Now this can be good or bad, depending on what follows it. Your mix tends to the good side, giving a fuller sound once the band enters but this could be taken further. I think the overall guitar sound in your mix is quite harsh, could live with a good dose of lower mids and less in the upper octaves. Also, you have to be carefull with the different tracks for the same guitar, as they tend to be out of phase (slight timing differences). Check out Mike Senior's Mix Rescue articel about another song from this band if you haven't allready:

The kick sounds great, the snare on the other hand is a bit weak. Now this is a problem that is "written" into the tracks, but you can work on it with a good dose of compression and maybe a bit distortion. The compression should bring down the initial transient (short attack time) and bring up the tail of the snare (short release time and using make up gain). That way you could give the snare more weight. The toms are a bit too clicky in my ears. Are you using a gate on them? Maybe you should fool around with it's settings.

The lead vocals could be more upfront, they tend to get buried in your mix.

Now all of this might sound as if your mix is not that good, but the basis seems ok to me. Maybe you could try out what I talked about above and post a second version?


Messages In This Thread
Young Griffo Pennies - by MopeyChameleon - 21-03-2013, 02:11 AM
RE: Young Griffo Pennies - by Artbass - 22-03-2013, 09:10 AM
RE: Young Griffo Pennies - by MopeyChameleon - 13-04-2013, 06:01 AM