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Progresivo 1, Mandubien's mix
(09-03-2015, 11:16 AM)Mandubien Wrote: Hello folks !

Pablo, my HDD thanks you for all these tracks Big Grin
I was quite afraid and did not know where to start. Finally I'm pretty glad of this mix, and hope you will enjoy it as well.

You are welcome for the complement! We (my assistant and I) recorded with 2 guitars -LTD M100FM and Godin Exit 22- thru an ART TPS II preamp to a motu 2408 original using Waves GTR 3.5. Some takes were made with the same guitars but going thru an old Digitech GSP2101 Artist guitar FX rack (very old and funny stuff, isn´t it?). Drums are Slate and Halion. Bass was recorded with a Yamaha bass, Marshall b65 amp and AKG D112 mic thru the same ART preamp. Sequences are from Symphobia, Halion and some other Cubase 7.5 plugins.

It is interesting the panning you made on the drums, but in my opinion it brakes a little the balance, so maybe in that section if you put a high pitched instrument could fix that, or maybe panning the kick drum... Actually I think that the kick drum thing is a little weird, but I would try that, could be really cool if it works.

I missed the second guitars in the song, am I right? My idea of those guitars at the begining and after the solo was to make a feel o a fatter guitar melody, so maybe rising up a little the volume could make that section more powerful maybe? even that I liked your mix as it is!

Oh, and being honest, I put that little part of guitar at the beginning of the solo to patch the section change. Try to "hide and glue" that part and add delay in 8ths (that is actually my setting everytime y record).

I like the defined sound of the snare, I couldn get it well in my mix, so I feel envy about that now... anyway, thank so much for the complement and trying to mix this song, I´m really proud of that. Let me know if you have some tracks here to mix them too!


Messages In This Thread
Progresivo 1, Mandubien's mix - by Mandubien - 09-03-2015, 11:16 AM
RE: Progresivo 1, Mandubien's mix - by chuck moe - 09-03-2015, 09:48 PM
RE: Progresivo 1, Mandubien's mix - by Pmartin - 09-03-2015, 10:22 PM
RE: Progresivo 1, Mandubien's mix - by Mandubien - 10-03-2015, 10:48 AM
RE: Progresivo 1, Mandubien's mix - by Mandubien - 10-03-2015, 11:33 AM
RE: Progresivo 1, Mandubien's mix - by chuck moe - 10-03-2015, 06:52 PM
RE: Progresivo 1, Mandubien's mix - by Pmartin - 27-03-2015, 12:13 AM