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My Burning Bridges Mix worked on for days
Thanks for the feedback, Jeff. What do you have your HD800s hooked up to? I've heard them on a lot of different setups at head-fi meets. I've heard lots and lots of phones, amps, dacs, you name it. Have you read Nwavguy's blog? He really nailed down what is and isn't objective with headphones and audio. I should be hooking my K701s up to my saber dac and O2 amp, but usually I just plug them in quick to the computer headphone jack to fine tune even if I'm not getting as objective a picture as if I was using the neutral, 0 impedence saber and O2 combo.

I picked the monitors I did because they measured flat or close to it in various environments as reported on Gearslutz, aside from other reasons. I think I have a good feel for them now. Am I getting the absolute best mixing environment? Maybe not, but I think I can work it. I spent a lot of time listening to all kinds of albums on these and made notes of what sounded like what on them.

"For a first mix the levels are solid and the panning decisions good. I also like the vocal effect direction, although its too much. Many of those effects could work better side chained, or with hass delays/through reverb, leaving a dryer less processed vocal in front to anchor the vocals."

This sounds interesting. Is there a good guide? I don't do much in the way of side chaining.

I didn't do a ton with Ozone. I'm def not slapping presets on indiscriminately. I try something, listen, and adjust. Sometimes I think my ears start hearing things much differently if I've been mixing for hours on end as opposed to fresh ears. Also, mastering engineers correct final balances and such, so I try to keep in mind that I'm not making a mastered track.

"Then mult. them out!"

You mean use a multi band eq to bring them out of the track?

I've done mixes with and without the CLA sig series. I use them for their character more than to cover up an inability to get similar sounds using other stuff.

"If you get good results out of Waves Vocal or Bass Rider let me know. I’ve been underwhelmed. They seem to do worse than a compressor, and certainly much worse than automating. Your results may vary!"

I was actually using Quiet Arts Wave Rider which is far superior to the Waves stuff IMO. Waves ripped QA off.

I've seen threads on Gearslutz where people couldn't tell the BF76 vs a hardware one. A lot preferred the BF in the blind tests. I've done a lot of comparative listening between compressors and just know the CLA ones well. I only got them because pluginboutique had a sale of the sig series and cla comps for $240. I've done mixes of my vocal covers where I swapped Rocket, Softube Fet, BF, CLA, IK, and Nomad Factory and couldn't tell a huge difference on my vox. But, I've heard drum shootouts where I preferred the CLA76 over the others.

"Good work and welcome to the forum."

Thanks very much


Messages In This Thread
RE: My Burning Bridges Mix worked on for days - by ViciousBliss - 02-03-2015, 03:25 AM