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My Burning Bridges Mix worked on for days
My first thoughts on listening (admittedly on HD800s):

For a first mix the levels are solid and the panning decisions good. I also like the vocal effect direction, although its too much. Many of those effects could work better side chained, or with hass delays/through reverb, leaving a dryer less processed vocal in front to anchor the vocals.

> My personal preferences for Metal are rooted in the 80s and 90s.

I’m ok with that! Some of the EQ balance probably stems from this comment. Bass balance and multi-band EQs the big change from the 80’s to the 00s’ onwards.

If you’re monitoring on (good) headphones, but small speakers, you’ll find the low end challenging. Its not right at present, but fixable (mostly with EQ). I’m not sure what you were running on the 2-bus, but if there’s a bunch of Ozone saturation etc on there, may want to back that off a little also.

> Automating plugins is not something I really know much about so far.

You rarely need to — unless you’re playing with soft synth parameters. It’s much more likely that you’ll be automating the basics — volume, send, switching EQs (or plugins) in and out — and riding clip gain and aux send levels.

> I would have definitely liked the crash cymbals to be on their own track

Then mult. them out!

> I did reamp I think the first guitar track with CLA guitars.

The CLA pseudo-channel strips are surprisingly good. However I find them also a bit of a distraction, as one can do the same things with other plugins and it’s worth the journey of figuring out how to put the sounds together from the component effects rather just use the CLA composite.

> One thing I've considered doing is remixing this with pretty much just Wave rider

If you get good results out of Waves Vocal or Bass Rider let me know. I’ve been underwhelmed. They seem to do worse than a compressor, and certainly much worse than automating. Your results may vary!

> I noticed that after 20 some instances of CLA sig series and probably about 10 instances combined of CLA2A, CLA3A, and CLA76, that when I'd try to load a new instance of a CLA compressors, it'd be blank.

As other posters noted, for most things the stock compressor will do fine. The BombFactory (11)76 clone is as good as most of the 1176s, and certainly up there with Waves emulation. For almost all compression duties, the “magic” compressor is not necessary. I’ll make an exception on vocals.

Good work and welcome to the forum.
All sound is a distortion of silence /

Messages In This Thread
RE: My Burning Bridges Mix worked on for days - by jeffd42 - 02-03-2015, 02:37 AM