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Run Run Run
(09-02-2015, 09:36 AM)Mike Senior Wrote: Hi Chris,

Glad you enjoyed the Mix Rescue mix/write-up!

First of all, thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed and useful response, I appreciate it very much!

(09-02-2015, 09:36 AM)Mike Senior Wrote: I think the vocal tuning is part of the problem for me, but I'd say you've probably got a little too much low mids too -- try shelving off a couple of dB with a 200Hz shelf and see how it balances. A bit more 800kHz might help too, as there's not that much solidity to the midrange once the low mids are out of consideration.

I just really started focusing on learning vocal mixing a few months ago, and the process is very intimidating to me. I never know if my moves are correct, and by the time I spend 30 min on them they sound very off, and not natural. With these, I couldn't decide what was best for the song so I just bussed them all together and did as little to them as possible because I knew I would mess them up if I really tried to process them. I'm going to message you about vocals after thisSmile

(09-02-2015, 09:36 AM)Mike Senior Wrote: OK. Smile The mix as a whole feels a bit muffled, which speaks to me of more work needed in the low midrange, particular with high-pass filtering. I think the organ is a big culprit. The snare fills sound very dry -- a bit odd, in terms of blending with the otherwise rather nice and characteristic effects treatments you've used.

You're right on the mark with this one. I did the organs first and after I got done with the bass and kick they were hidden, but I had spent so much time on the mix I just left it. The snare I actually liked.. I could made it wetter but it was like one of the last things I did and I just wanted to print it and upload. Thanks for the comments though, at least my mind was on the right track I just got lazy and didn't complete the problems I knew were there.

(09-02-2015, 09:36 AM)Mike Senior Wrote: Can't tell on my PC speakers, but I suspect your organ may be a bit over-widened in stereo, which may cause you problems with mono fold-down.

Like the way the guitar and piano fit together, though! Thanks for submitting!

You know I actually thought this as well so I summed to mono on an aux to make sure I didn't lose anything and if I remember correctly it didn't lose anything. I could be wrong though, I may have only monitored the whole mix in mono and not that individual instrument so it could have been lost and I didn't realize it because of the bass.

Yeah I was happy with the piano and guitar stuff as well, thanks! On to the next project!


-MB Pro, Core i7, High Sierra
-Apollo Quad
-PT 12.8.3
-SSL X-Desk
-Neve 542, UBK Kush Electra, Pete's Place BAC 500 Compressors, DBX 165A, Eventide Omnipressor, SPL Transient Designer
-Amphion Two18
-Jim Williams Modded GFA-555
-Burl B2 Bomber ADC
-Crane Song Solaris DAC
-Sennheiser HD650

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RE: Run Run Run - by Mike Senior - 09-02-2015, 09:36 AM
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