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μ - Too Bright (ZX Mix)
Listened to Mix 2. Typing while listening.

The vocal is brittle, yes, but having worked on it myself I dunno if there's any way around that without blunting it (too much) the way I did on my version. Sounds better than some other mixes though... it's tricky.

So I actually laughed when I listened because intro verse sounded to me way too subdued.... but then the chorus kicked in and HOT DAMN. The choruses in your mix are sonically disorienting in a very good way IMHO. The crazy pumping from the kick is perfect for the style, the impact is incredible. I wonder if the difference in level between the chorus and verse might be just a bit too much, but wow. Great stuff.

In the verses the guitars seem to be clouding the vocal a little bit, and the vocal itself comes across a teeny bit dull, like the high end is being masked a bit. Sounds like there's some really massive compression on the verse snare that's taking a bit too much of the snap out for my taste. Both of these are probably creative decisions though? to help the choruses come across stronger. It's a good tactic, but I'd personally ease up on it just a little because the first verse almost lost me. What I found interesting about this song is that the verses are "real" instruments whereas the choruses are pure electronic, but the processing in the verses on this mix blurs that line a little bit by making the "real" instruments and vocal sound less convincing real, so in trying to enhance one form of contrast you're sort of losing a bit of another contrast. That's not to say it's wrong, but something to consider.

In all, this is great. Dunno how sonically polished anyone could possibly get this without a cleaner vocal, and I think I wasted too much time trying to improve that situation and lost sight of other important things I actually COULD change on my own effort, but I like this. Still trying to catch my breath from that first chorus Tongue Great job.
I'm grateful for comments and suggestions. Thank you for listening!

Messages In This Thread
μ - Too Bright (ZX Mix) - by APZX - 05-02-2015, 03:49 AM
RE: μ - Too Bright (ZX Mix) - by laurieharrison - 06-02-2015, 11:17 AM
RE: μ - Too Bright (ZX Mix) - by APZX - 06-02-2015, 11:48 PM
RE: μ - Too Bright (ZX Mix) - by pauli - 07-02-2015, 08:11 AM
RE: μ - Too Bright (ZX Mix) - by APZX - 07-02-2015, 02:38 PM