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Too Bright mix from a newbie
(02-02-2015, 06:24 PM)r00tman Wrote: P. S. Also, how to get vox levels right?

Welcome Smile

There are no specific rules as to what the right vocal level should be in the mix... And remember that level isn't everything... The level can be just right to convey the melody but the harmonics are being masked by other instruments such that it's hard to understand the lyrics, that's almost always a bad thing.

Again there are no rules... But in most styles of popular music, the kick, snare, bass and vocal will occupy most of the mix, so start by balancing the vocal against those. Usually, if the vocal and snare are about the same level, you're on the right track.

If you have no compunction against using a compressor on the stereo buss, it's often helpful to rough in drums and bass during the fullest chorus section, dial in a couple db of gain reduction on the compressor, then fade in the vocal until it starts tickling the compressor a bit. Properly set, the compressor is a good guideline as to where the song should peak dynamically, and it will help blend the tracks together by giving them a common sonic element and a little control. If you've roughed in the vocals as suggested and the lyrics aren't coming across, then it's a good time to start looking at compressing the vocal itself until you can get it a little closer without working the master compressor too hard. The same applies to new supporting instruments that you introduce. Suppose you fade in a guitar until the level feels right, but it's overworking the comp, sounds indistinct, or obscures the vocal... Probably it will do all 3... But that's your mix telling you that the guitar needs some dynamics processing and subtractive EQ to slot it into the mix without conflict.

That's what I love about compressing the master, especially on a tune like this. Even if you aren't sure what's mucking up your mix, a properly set master compressor will warn you when something's wrong, and if you pay attention to it, you'll be able to head off major mix issues down the line.

Hope some of that helps... Welcome to the forum.
I'm grateful for comments and suggestions. Thank you for listening!

Messages In This Thread
Too Bright mix from a newbie - by r00tman - 02-02-2015, 06:24 PM
RE: Too Bright mix from a newbie - by APZX - 03-02-2015, 01:54 AM
RE: Too Bright mix from a newbie - by pauli - 03-02-2015, 11:47 AM
RE: Too Bright mix from a newbie - by pauli - 03-02-2015, 07:19 PM
RE: Too Bright mix from a newbie - by r00tman - 03-02-2015, 09:10 PM
RE: Too Bright mix from a newbie - by pauli - 03-02-2015, 10:27 PM
RE: Too Bright mix from a newbie - by APZX - 04-02-2015, 03:34 AM
RE: Too Bright mix from a newbie - by pauli - 04-02-2015, 10:33 PM
RE: Too Bright mix from a newbie - by APZX - 05-02-2015, 02:31 AM
RE: Too Bright mix from a newbie - by pauli - 05-02-2015, 05:10 AM