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The Metallurgist does µ's -Too Bright
Allright! This mix start extremely promising. The mix does go beyond the dark side of the moon, but it's always inspiring to hear just how far things can be pushed.

I guess I'm a boring guy for saying I was expecting a bit more from the chorus in terms of wow-factor. If nothing else, the least you could do to improve the choruses is to simply push them a bit louder from the master fader or pull the verses back to even the dynamics; now it sounds like choruses come much much more quieter than the verses. This is most evident if you listen to it a bit quieter and don't blast it at full scale.

Annoying frequencies and taming them down is a hard subject. Once you hear a frequency, it's hard to "un-hear" it, even if you really solved the problem. The best way to deal with them would be find the correct ones (frequencies I mean) right off the bat, take those down like 6 dBs and move on. It's easier to inspect on the issue later after you've forgotten about it.

I saw the timer when the mix was coming to a close and was thinking "To end this mix on the middle-8 is gonna sound really really stupid" but when the ending came, it made me smile. I don't how you did it, but I felt it was great!

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Metallurgist does µ's -Too Bright - by Spede - 16-01-2015, 11:06 PM