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Looking for Feedback!
First thoughts:

Bass guitar is up a bit high and needs a little more compression. The acoustic isn't up enough. It seems almost in the background up front and seldom appears elsewhere. At the bridge between verse 1 and 2, bring both the lead and the acoustic up a couple of dB so they project. What I hear almost sounds as though you found what seemed a reasonable leve for the faders and then left them there without any automation. Music is a very dynamic thing. Instruments come forward and duck back all the time. Your fader movements should reflect their varying importance as the song develops. Note also that sometimes, it's just three or four notes that need to be brought out to help accent one section or another so listen carefully to the individual parts to hear what stands out. A good practice is, after you have your tone set and your general mix levels established, mute the vocals and listen to the song without them. You might also try a pass with the lead instrument muted as well. This can help you find the gems in the various parts that need to be heard because they won't be covered by the other parts. (You could also do this with their fader levels down 6dB as well if you want to try to correlate things with what is going on up front. Just remember where you had those faders before...)

Oh, and welcome to the group!
Old West Audio

Messages In This Thread
Looking for Feedback! - by armingho - 22-11-2014, 04:53 PM
RE: Looking for Feedback! - by azwayne - 26-11-2014, 07:04 AM
RE: Looking for Feedback! - by armingho - 26-11-2014, 03:11 PM