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Burning Bridges - Crubik Mix
(21-10-2014, 02:32 AM)thedon Wrote: Hi Crubik

I can hear a ringing on the snare at around 300 hz which could be tamed a little with a parametric eq.
also go easy on the master compression Big Grin !

Thanks for the advice Thedon. That ring became pronounced when I ran the snare through decapitator in parallel to give it some grit and add some harmonics to it.

I did cut abit exactly in that area, good ears! I did a sweep with the parametric and there it was, boing boing. I could still hear it abit after the cut but not to the point of distraction. But as Blitzzz has also mentioned the snare is too loud in the mix which may also be why the ring is coming through noticeably.

I've been doing alot of hip hop mixes lately for a client which is alot of drums up type work and I need to learn to switch gears abit quicker. lol

Master buss compression is something I still wrestle with every day. What you're hearing is the Waves SSL compressor into an L2. I'd be interested to hear how others deal with the master buss.

I had it set at 4:1 ratio, threshold not too low I would say about 2 o'clock on the dial, attack at 10ms, release on auto. It showed about 3db of gain reduction while the song played. The L2 was set at auto release with the threshold slider at about -3.5 to -4.0 and the out ceiling brought up enough to get me at -6 db rms on the stereo buss, I also made sure my gain staging was on point so that I wasn't slamming the compressor on the way in and distorting it. It's a balancing act and I always try different approaches to this. This was my first SSL Comp into L2 combo mix. I'm still on the fence about using a limiter on the stereo buss.

Thanks again for the input Thedon I'll be looking around here to hear some of your mixes. Cheers!

Messages In This Thread
Burning Bridges - Crubik Mix - by crubik - 20-10-2014, 07:15 PM
RE: Burning Bridges - Crubik Mix - by Blitzzz - 20-10-2014, 10:01 PM
RE: Burning Bridges - Crubik Mix - by crubik - 21-10-2014, 01:45 AM
RE: Burning Bridges - Crubik Mix - by thedon - 21-10-2014, 02:32 AM
RE: Burning Bridges - Crubik Mix - by crubik - 21-10-2014, 02:50 PM
RE: Burning Bridges - Crubik Mix - by Blitzzz - 21-10-2014, 03:12 PM
RE: Burning Bridges - Crubik Mix - by crubik - 21-10-2014, 03:48 PM