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IgLe mix
As with HouseOfLight's mix, I think you've made too much of the M&S pair's fig-8 mic, because it's contributing distracting. And are you applying tuning processing to the vocal mics? If not then there some really wierd modulation effect in there that really doesn't flatter the sound. It's making everyone sound like they're in a hospital corridor! This is a shame, as the rest of the sound when the voices aren't in the mix is pretty respectable.

I'd maybe still back off the reverb length a touch. It's sounding a bit too 'Cathedral' to me, which blurs the definition of the individual instruments a bit too much, I think -- and I reckon you might also be able to shave a bit of 600Hz out of the return too, because it seems to be colouring the vocal tone (such as it is) more than I'd hope. In fact, on second thoughts, having listened to the final effect tail, I'd probably try to get hold of a more natural-sounding preset in the first place. Convolution's your best bet for this, I think.

There's a lot of good balance here, though, and the oboe levels have come across surprisingly well, so good job there.

Messages In This Thread
IgLe mix - by IgLe - 15-12-2012, 02:48 PM
RE: IgLe mix - by Mike Senior - 19-02-2013, 10:09 PM