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GoodTime Mix
Nice, believable basic balance, and your backing sounds all feel well-chosen to me. The kick and bass fill up the low end properly, but come though great on the smalls too, which is great work. I might give the snare a bit more low end, though, because it's coming across as a bit lightweight -- a bit too pop, rather than rock. The lead vocal could maybe push the 5-6kHz region a little less hard, because it's making it sound a little less smooth than the backing -- I'd use compression and the 500-2kHz region more to bring out the grain in his voice, rather than so much high end.

Your LCR panning does lose you quite a lot of guitars in mono, so it'd be worth checking whether this is acceptable to you if you've not already.

The main thing I'd work on, though, is the sense of blend and depth perspective. In particular the drums seem very disconnected from each other, with the snare quite a long way back and the toms, hat, and ride much closer up, almost as if they're separate overdubs. Transient processing, careful hi-cut, group compression, and short reverb would all have things to offer here, I think, but the specific tools aren't important -- it's the q uestion "how far is everything away from me as I listen, and does that make sense?" At the moment it doesn't make sense to me in that respect.

Messages In This Thread
GoodTime Mix - by Phil79 - 30-01-2013, 03:45 PM
RE: GoodTime Mix - by Javierhernannunez - 12-02-2013, 12:05 AM
RE: GoodTime Mix - by Mike Senior - 19-02-2013, 12:01 PM
RE: GoodTime Mix - by Phil79 - 20-02-2013, 01:33 PM