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Good Time
You've gone very heavy on the effects here, which seems a bit out of character (as well as a bit out of date these days). It's making it sound a bit like a daytime TV theme tune, rather than a rock song, for me. Bring down both the reverb times and reverb levels, however, and I think you've got the makings of a really nice, natural ensemble mix. Your balance holds up really well, even on the Avantone in mono, and in general I find your sound choices very hi-fi and appealing, so you've got a great bedrock to work from here.

A couple of tweaks I might make myself: the kick feels a bit lightweight on the big speakers, and could probably do with 2-3dB at 80Hz, and the bass is a bit inconsistent in level for me, so I'd probably compress that a bit harder in the first instance. Also, the vocal seems a bit light on the 500-2kHz region. It's relying on the top octaves a bit too much for me, so its balance suffers a bit when you're listening to small speakers off-axis.

There's something odd going on in the balance at 3:37-3:40, though -- is there a funny crossfade going on somehow? Whatever it is, it sound unintentional! Smile

Messages In This Thread
Good Time - by massimocarta - 28-12-2012, 05:24 PM
RE: Good Time - by Mike Senior - 19-02-2013, 12:01 PM