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Burning Bridges by Dark Ride (Conman57 Remix)
please calm down guys. We are here to learn.

conman: your mixes sound very processed for my taste. too much compression, EQ and fx. if thats your style then go for it but maybe your listening environment is not optimal or you dont use reference mixes to check your sound with the "real world". It might be that your mixes sound awesome on your speakers - but maybe only on your speakers because your room is not treated well. I had this problem too and another guy pointed me in this direction and I have to admit he was right.

Things you should know about this song: I´ve written and recorded it so it might be interesting for you how it was supposed to sound. I´m a big fan of Killswitch and my aim was to create a guitar sound that is as close as possible to "As daylight dies".


The good news is that you can get stems from the song with isolated guitars, drums, bass and vocals. The stems come from the video game Rock Band and they have been created from the original recordings. Thanks to the stems I was able to create a Kemper profile with Ozones EQ matchmaking and some special tricks to make it sound very, very close to the original sound.

The final profiling setup was complex, but it worked: Guitar -> Kemper-> Mesa Boogie Rectifier (Preamp with all eq knobs in the middle) -> FX Send from the Amp into my Audio Interface into Ozone EQ -> back from the Interface into the Boogies FX Return straight into the Poweramp -> Boogie Roadking 4x12 -> SM 57 - back into the Kemper. In the end this gave me the best of both worlds: a "real" tube amp behaviour with an EQ-Curve that I could not recreate with the amps controls. Btw. you can download my Killswitch profile in the kemper database.

Back to the mix: If you want to mix this song you don't have to tweak much. You don't need a lot of EQ - in fact you can mix this song with hi/lowcut filters and fader rides and it will sound great. Add A LITTLE BIT of reverb or delay on the vocals and spice up the solos and it's done. Just make sure that every chorus hits hard (again, automation will do the trick) and don't use too much compression on the 2-buss. 2-3 db will do the trick. And don't squash it to death with an Ozone preset or FG-X.

f you have any further questions let me know =)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Burning Bridges by Dark Ride (Conman57 Remix) - by Blitzzz - 09-08-2014, 01:06 PM