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I'M ALRIGHT - new mix
Technical thoughts first...

Tamp that accoustic down up front a bit, I think. A bit too "in your face" for me. Probably a factor not only of level but also the compression you used (or didn't use, as the case may be). Dynamic range on acoustics is rather large.
Deesser is also kind of a must with that vocal.
Note that Piano. Sometimes it should come a bit to the front (for a few seconds or the like). They use it to add color or flourish to the instrumental lines in spots. Some automation and careful listening to the central parts minus the vocals there will solve that. Sometimes the instruments are also combined on moving lines and that's worth trying to locate too.
Needs a touch more kick (the beater tone, especially, to help set it off)
Cymbals and hat are a tad bright. Might want to shelve off 10kHz+ about -3dB. In fact, the mix overall is kinda bright. That's not necessarily a bad thing but may be a clue as to where the excess I hear on the cymbals came from.
Balance... vocals a *tad* too far back (*just* a tad) and cymbals and percussion a bit too up front, I think.

Overall, I like it. I can hear the individual parts here and they are not spending a lot of time stomping on each other. Basically it sounds like there are some small EQ problems, some balance issues, and maybe a lack of appropriate compression to some of the parts but the mix itself isn't bad. Just needs a little spit and polish, as it were.

Regarding that piano and the like, what I like to do, as a final touch before calling a mix good, is to try to find the key instrument parts and listen to them closely both solo'd as individuals and then as a group to try to figure out which of them is important where. You can't just raise the whole line because then they'll be in the way too much. So at that point, I can add additional volume and pan automation where appropriate to help bring out the important stuff while leaving the rest in the background. Just listen to the intro to get an idea of what I'm talking about. The accoustic and electric are basically equal in importance and should thus be blended together but then right at the end of that opening line, there are matching piano chords which are worth bringing out front.

My mix of this ain't perfect but it may give you a few usefu ideas. Give it a listen and see if any lights go on. What I ultimately settled on, I'm pretty satisfied with.
Old West Audio

Messages In This Thread
I'M ALRIGHT - new mix - by tiz - 02-06-2014, 10:33 AM
RE: I'M ALRIGHT - new mix - by azwayne - 04-06-2014, 05:59 AM