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About This Multitrack
You can find the multitrack files for this project in the 'Mixing Secrets' Free Multitrack Download Library.

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Here's some more project info you might find useful:
  • About The Raw Multitracks: As befits a multitrack showcasing a mic manufacturer's products, there's more multi-miking on this project than some, which makes it a good one for tonal experimentation.
    • The drum tracks comprise two pairs of stereo overhead mics, two mono room mics (front, back), and additional close-mics for kick (in, out), snare, hi-hat, ride, and two toms. A further three tracks are given over to multi-miking a single ensemble handclaps performance.
    • The bass guitar part is provided as a simple DI, whereas the acoustic guitar overdub is triple-miked and the electric guitar overdub has four close-mics and two room mics.
    • The piano overdub has been captured via three close stereo pairs and another stereo pair for the room.
    • The lead vocals (a great performance, this) are provided as three separate recording passes, providing a total of six different mic characters for you to choose from.
    • The two backing vocals are both triple-miked.
    • For more information about the performers and some photos of the recording sessions, check out this page on the Telefunken site.
  • Challenges You're Likely To Face:
    • With so much multi-miking going on, phase/polarity issues can easily catch you out if you're not careful.
    • There's a lot of tinny-sounding ride spill on the outside kick close-mic.
    • You lose a lot of brightness and level from the hi-hat and cymbals when collapsing either of the stereo overhead recordings to mono.
    • Two of the piano close-mic pairs also have quite strong out-of-phase components, so you need to take care with mono compatibility if you pan them wide.
    • The snare top mic has caught quite a strong drum resonance that doesn't seem to fit the key of the song. Whether that's a problem is largely a question of taste, though...
    • The vocals feature quite a bit of recorded-in room sound, which may tie your hands a bit if you're looking for a drier or more compression-heavy presentation.
  • Some Mixing Tips: Although this isn't a mix I've attempted myself, here are some suggestions that come to mind:
    • The front-of-kit room mic has a great kick 'thump', so I'd personally try to make the most of that, rather than just high-pass filtering the room sound (as many people typically do to keep the kick-drum tight). This kick sound also seems to fit quite well with the raw bass guitar.
    • A notch at 269Hz on the close snare mic can tackle that dissonant ringing, and may therefore help the blend if you plan on using a lot of that signal in the mix.
    • Each tom only has one fill, so most of the time you can just use the tom close mics as extra spill/ambience mics if you want, and then just mult out the fill sections for their own separate processing/panning.
    • Just because you've got lots of multi-miking options available here, that doesn't mean you have to use them all! In particular, I rarely recommend combining vocal close-mics because of the danger of variable inter-mic phasing as the singer moves around while performing.
    • Whichever vocal pass you choose, remember that you can use the others as double- or triple-tracks if you wish. Trying to comp between the passes may prove a fool's errand, though, given that none of the passes use the same mic.

If you have any other general questions about this multitrack, just reply to this post and I'll see what I can do.

Messages In This Thread
About This Multitrack - by Mike Senior - 10-05-2012, 10:51 AM
RE: About This Multitrack - by gopener - 31-10-2013, 08:02 AM
RE: About This Multitrack - by Voelund - 31-10-2013, 10:44 AM
RE: About This Multitrack - by gopener - 31-10-2013, 11:11 AM
RE: About This Multitrack - by azwayne - 12-05-2015, 06:06 AM