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Revelations - HbGuitar Mix
Hey HB.

I think your guitars and bass sound very good, and the guitars are nicely separated. You got a really aggressive guitar sound and I like that a lot. Very clear that you referenced Led Zep on that aspect. The organ sounds nice, but the guitars are sort of swallowing it a little bit... maybe dip the organ bus in the upper mids and let some of the lower mids you took out of the guitars be filled by the hammond? Overall, I like your sound quite a bit, and I think Prescence was a very interesting choice for referencing... not their most popular album, so you're getting the L.Z. sound without sounding like you're trying too hard Big Grin Good job.

The drums are a little uncomfortable to listen to in the phones (I can't check on the speakers yet, kids are in bed :/) but it sounds to me like the drum bus is very very heavily compressed... with the addition of the lows (which was a good idea and I think you're spot on there) it makes it more obvious... the kick drum is causing the entire kit to duck pretty often, which makes the overheads sort of "suck in" like they're taking a deep breath, then exhale and do it again. Unfortunately this effect makes the timing inconsistencies in the kick track more noticeable, too. That makes me wonder if maybe this is the source of your discontent with the snare drum? Compressing the kit in parallel might be a good idea, or you could back off on how hard the compressor on the drums is working.
I'm grateful for comments and suggestions. Thank you for listening!

Messages In This Thread
Revelations - HbGuitar Mix - by HbGuitar - 28-04-2014, 07:28 AM
RE: Revelations - HbGuitar Mix - by pauli - 01-05-2014, 01:51 AM
RE: Revelations - HbGuitar Mix - by HbGuitar - 01-05-2014, 11:52 AM
RE: Revelations - HbGuitar Mix - by pauli - 02-05-2014, 12:53 AM
RE: Revelations - HbGuitar Mix - by thedon - 02-05-2014, 09:17 PM
RE: Revelations - HbGuitar Mix - by pauli - 02-05-2014, 10:22 PM
RE: Revelations - HbGuitar Mix - by HbGuitar - 03-05-2014, 05:26 AM
RE: Revelations - HbGuitar Mix - by pauli - 03-05-2014, 09:00 PM
RE: Revelations - HbGuitar Mix - by thedon - 04-05-2014, 09:26 AM