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Japan Song Mix - Kr4gon
A good balance of the mix elements - the levels are working well together. Dynamically, it seems well controlled.

Overall, the mix sounds a little... well... unexciting ....a little bit like a "faders up" mix without much in the way of polish. Not necessarily a really bad thing - a mastering engineer could probably put some nice polish on the mix. Nevertheless, whilst I can't hear much in the way of any undesirable muddy or boxy frequencies building up in the mix, I think it would really do your mix a service to look into doing some judicious boosting on some elements. Often that means getting some concentration of power into the mids & upper mids, while downplaying the prominence of the muddy & boxy areas in the low mids.

One element of the mix that does need more reductive eq is the guitars - they will appear to brighten up considerably if you high pass them more aggressively.

If the overheads came up in level a tad, it might brighten up the mix somewhat & make it a little more exciting.

A couple of other points: (these may be related)

What happened around 1:52? The drums disappear for a bit - was that deliberate?

During the buildup from 2:45 - 2:48 the light snare drum rolls have missed hits - probably an indication that the gate on the snare drum is excluding the lower level hits - automating the gate threshold during those parts remedy the issue.

Overall, the mix shows real promise - a bit more eq finesse is definitely in order though.
All 10 FytaKyte Multi-Tracks available for you to mix with purchase of Album here:

Messages In This Thread
Japan Song Mix - Kr4gon - by Kr4gon - 11-03-2014, 03:21 PM
RE: Japan Song Mix - Kr4gon - by FytaKyte - 20-04-2014, 01:15 AM
RE: Japan Song Mix - Kr4gon - by Kr4gon - 03-12-2014, 01:03 PM