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You've gone for a more open sound than I chose for the Mix Rescue, and it's certainly interesting to hear that alternative perspective. You've also done a good job of differentiating the guitar sounds so that they don't trample on each others' toes. All that said, though, I don't think you've quite won me over with the balance as it stands.

The main thing for me is that the inside kick mic's pitched resonance is rather dominating and undermining the harmony, while the low end of the bass feels very weak in the balance so there's little low-end power to speak of in the overall sonics. I'm not suggesting that you should go to the same extreme as in my Mix Rescue version(!), but I think there does need to be a certain amount of information in the lower octaves of commercial mixes these days, otherwise it sounds odd.

Mono doesn't do you any favours either, especially with respect to the acoustic guitar, so that aspect of the mix might perhaps benefit from a few revisions. If you're after stereo width from that acoustic-guitar part, the I'd suggest possibly generating a fake double-track, which doesn't incur the same mono-compatibility problems that spreading multi-miked/DIed recordings typically does.

Messages In This Thread
ul-mix - by uzilevi - 24-04-2012, 02:19 PM
RE: ul-mix - by Mike Senior - 08-05-2012, 12:07 PM
RE: ul-mix - by uzilevi - 08-05-2012, 04:16 PM