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Jay Menon - Through My Eyes- Mixed bij TripleS
Hey Thedon,

Thanks for your kind words about my mix!

I'm glad you mention your monitors. Most of us are working in a home studio so mostly in a environment that's not really treated for the best audio respons. That's why i always listen on other locations i.e. car, living room, ipad etc. This way i try to avoide bad mixing decisions because of the monitoring environment. We all should keep this in mind when assessing somebody's mix.

Gear: Cubase 7.5, Motu 828 mk3, Alesis M1A mk2, Beyerdynamic DT990Pro

Messages In This Thread
RE: Jay Menon - Through My Eyes- Mixed bij TripleS - by TripleS - 09-03-2014, 04:41 PM