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Overhaul Mix
(17-02-2014, 11:48 AM)thedon Wrote: Enjoying listening to your mix and sounds great ,Version 2 is definitely a Huge improvement to version 1 in such a short time !!!!

Thanks, I was hoping so Tongue. In some ways this tune is a bit of a booger... you'll see when you give it a shot. I was way out of my skill range when I tried it.

(17-02-2014, 11:48 AM)thedon Wrote: ..please take my comments with a grain of salt ,just trying to help you excel in mixing..

You've been nothing but helpful... I appreciate that you take the time and listen and help me improve.

(17-02-2014, 11:48 AM)thedon Wrote: Being a piano player I like to hear the piano left hand lower chords could come outa touch more , a guess could be around the 400-800hz area !

I high-passed a lot of the instruments really far in this one, so maybe I was too cavalier with the piano. My brother said the same thing, so I'll pull the filter back a little and see if that helps Big Grin.

(17-02-2014, 11:48 AM)thedon Wrote: I like a to hear a Deep sounding bass guitar ,as sounds a touch upfront in the 200hz area ( could be my room )

Do you figure a boost around 125 with a dip around 200 would do the trick? I think I may have been a little lazy with the bass... I highpassed it just far enough to get it out of the way of the loop, then sidechained a compressor to a new instance of the loop with the "kick" isolated to keep it out of the way a little more, but that's it, so a little more processing couldn't hurt.

(17-02-2014, 11:48 AM)thedon Wrote: love the sound of the electric guitar ( did do anything to get it to that sound like that ) sounds a touch upfront , There could be some frequencies that may need some notching with a parametric eq in the upper Mids and maybe softening up with some stereo effects stereo effects ?

Thanks, the guitars in this song are the real booger. There's two that are heavily distorted and the raw versions sound like sloppy poop-soup. Then there are three picking very rapidly. Basically I did wide band-passes on the ridiculously distorted guitars so that only the character frequencies could come through, cut the lead-ish ones around that area and let them breathe where the other ones filter out... it's all I could figure out to maintain any sense of separation without losing the string section and the piano, and those are the real gems of the tune!

What kinda stereo effects? Widening or modulation? I wondered what the crunchy ones might sound like with a flanger but didn't follow up Big Grin

(17-02-2014, 11:48 AM)thedon Wrote: The acoustic guitar that comes in at 1.21 sounds a little soft ,I like the build up to the end the cymbal that comes around 2.26 sounds a little harsh around the 4-5k area !

That diddly little guitar part... lol... it was all I could do not to delete the stupid thing. The performance accuracy is a little iffy and my weakest area is audio editing for timing and tuning.. I started "Lament" by the morris band and thought "why do you hate me" while staring in the general direction of the UK Tongue. Believe it or not, that little guitar diddly thing was playing over the entire track, so I just left it to add some texture where there wasn't anything else going on. I think the quietness might be another case of over-filtering, so I'll give it a look Big Grin

Taming that harshness should be easy Big Grin This was just a quick re-do so I probably wore my ears out and couldn't hear it. Rookie mistake, still makin it all the time!

Thanks again, Don! Your mixes sound pro to me, so I'd love to hear your take on this one.
I'm grateful for comments and suggestions. Thank you for listening!

Messages In This Thread
Overhaul Mix - by pauli - 17-02-2014, 02:24 AM
RE: Overhaul Mix - by thedon - 17-02-2014, 11:48 AM
RE: Overhaul Mix - by pauli - 17-02-2014, 03:43 PM
RE: Overhaul Mix - by The_Metallurgist - 22-02-2014, 05:53 PM
RE: Overhaul Mix - by pauli - 22-02-2014, 07:42 PM