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Pedaling Prince Mix: Georgia Wonder - Siren
sounds great! the backing vocals are a little overwhelming in the choruses to me, but there's a vocal tracking doubling the main melody and octave below that's volume matched to the lead line, and it sounds fantastic, like an annie lennox sort of effect. almost at the beginning of each phrase in the chorus, the C in "come to me" and elsewhere in the track, attacks really hard, and I think it could be a little less distracting. and if it were me, I would bring up the volume of all of the choruses, progressively higher throughout the song, to give it a little more forward momentum, but some people think that doesn't matter in a dance-y track like this one. I only hear the waves peaking out at the end (I haven't attempted this one yet so I'm not sure if they're present elsewhere) but I thik that was a really cool idea... my group used a similar effect on our EP in the intro/outro on a tune about a whaling ship being lost in a storm, and I've been looking for an excuse to try it again ever since.

impeccable work as always!
I'm grateful for comments and suggestions. Thank you for listening!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Pedaling Prince Mix: Georgia Wonder - Siren - by pauli - 21-01-2014, 03:38 PM