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Actions - Devil's Words [Mastered By EleKtroFR] (NEED HELP!!!)
Hi guys, nice to see this thread is alive.

however i think that a presentation of my self is important at this time.

I listen different kinds of music, and this is the first time i'm trying to mix this genre.

Maybe the point is that i've never listened to real drums sounds, and i'm trying to give the mix an image that i think is good for me, but that is far from the "real" sound.

You all are saying my drums suck, so i will start to listen to more songs like this (paramore for instance as you said) and will start from the kick, cause i think it's pretty low in my mix (because i hate the "click" sound of the kick, but maybe i hate it just because i don't make a good eq over it), then i'll start to make a "room" effect as suggested, and this should bring more fatness to my drums, so it should sound pretty different from how is it at the moment.

Guitars are ok for my ears, fat and crips... just what i like...
for what concerns the vocals I will add more compression on the choruses and I will bring down a bit the backing vocals.

I hope you will like my final ver and still give me your precious advices.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! I just love mixing and i will not stop until this track reaches his final form!
EleKtroFR Productions - Music Producer & Mastering Engineer (aspirant)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Actions - Devil's Words [Mastered By EleKtroFR] (NEED HELP!!!) - by EleKtroFR - 21-01-2014, 01:45 AM