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Actions - Devil's Words [Mastered By EleKtroFR] (NEED HELP!!!)
Also, what helps for this bass is having the DI track, and duplicating it.

Use the duplicate and run it through an amp kinda plugin like a sansamp or so. Get some distortion on the bass and mainly focus on the mids/highs. I like to get the low stuff from the DI track, as I usually find it tighter.

Next what you might want to try is to make an aux track and insert a chorus on that channel. Send the bass duplicate - which for instance we call "Bass Amp"- to that chorus aux using your aux sends. This gives something special to the bass, adds width and some excitement. Again, this should be a pretty subtle thing. You shouldn't be able to say "Wow there a chorus/doubler on the bass" when you're listening to the mix with everything playing. Also, try not to work in solo. This is a really big one! You could solo to hear what's there, but when you want to adjust something like an eq or so, don't do it in solo. Do it when evertyhing is competing with each other. Also, when for instance you are Eqing the bass
, don't necessarily focus on how the eq affects the bass. Listen to how it affects the vocals, the kick and the guitars.


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RE: Actions - Devil's Words [Mastered By EleKtroFR] (NEED HELP!!!) - by Mr.Franky - 20-01-2014, 10:41 PM