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Actions - Devil's Words [Mastered By EleKtroFR] (NEED HELP!!!)
Vocals sound good, EQ-wise...they fit within the track well enough but they still need more compression. Check out my mix thread if you get a second...I think I used the Waves CLA-3A going into Rvox, doing a combined total of about 15db of compression on the helps using multiple compressors when doing this much compression because knocking off 15db with one compressor can get ugly fast.

And why didn't you tune the vocals? It's probably the most distracting thing about it.

The drums also sound a bit boxy to me and aren't ripping my head off like they should with this type of music -- they should bring the bulk of the energy, IMO. You should really look into how to do sample replacement. Slate Trigger and Drumagog make it really easy and are fairly cost-effective.

The guitars sound good and are balanced well. I dig how you treated those.
Let's figure this out.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Actions - Devil's Words [Mastered By EleKtroFR] (NEED HELP!!!) - by cjbee - 20-01-2014, 10:23 PM