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Actions - Devil's Words [Mastered By EleKtroFR] (NEED HELP!!!)
(25-12-2013, 09:19 PM)EleKtroFR Wrote: Thank you guys, seriously...
I think i'll use drumagog and try to REEINFORCE samples, i don't want to replace.


I don't use parallel compression, that is i link a different compressor to each drum sound, never used parallel compression for the simple reason that i don't understand why should i use all the SAME parameters for more than one sound with different ranges of frequencies... Could you explain me that? Thanks Smile

Really appreciate your help guys Smile
It sounds to me that you don't quite 'get' the concept of parallel compression.

Without getting too boring...say you have a kick drum. You like the sound of it, but maybe you need a bit more bottom out of it or you need more attack. Thing is -- if you applied a compressor on that track to JUST pull put the attack or an EQ to JUST pull out the bottom, you're going to affect the WHOLE sound & potentially the dynamics of the drum. So, in order to preserve those original qualities of the sound that we like while augmenting the sound in a more transparent way, you would make a duplicate of that kick drum track and then apply your compression or EQ on the duplicate track and then mix it back in underneath the original track -- so essentially, you're running the tracks in parallel; you have the original track that is being augmented or enhanced in some way by a duplicate track that has it's own processing JUST to bring out the qualities you want -- without altering the original sound beyond recognition.

It's obviously more nuanced and detailed than how I've described it. I like Dave Pensado's video on it...check it out for some examples and a good explanation:

Let's figure this out.

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RE: Actions - Devil's Words [Mastered By EleKtroFR] (NEED HELP!!!) - by cjbee - 25-12-2013, 09:24 PM