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Seeking Feedback on My Mix of Simplemachine's "Unbroken"
Dear friends,

I am still eagerly awaiting your valuable feedback and advice regarding the mixing of my latest song. Your thoughts, comments, and recommendations are incredibly important to me, as they help me grow and refine my skills.

Every time I receive feedback from you, it allows me to see my work from a new perspective, notice details I can improve, and learn new approaches and techniques. So, if you have a moment, please share your thoughts on my latest work. I would greatly appreciate constructive criticism, as well as any suggestions that could help me make the music even better.

With best wishes and great anticipation of your responses Smile
Mix it with fun :)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Seeking Feedback on My Mix of Simplemachine's "Unbroken" - by IharBild - 05-07-2024, 03:56 PM