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The Ferryboat Men- Wind of Gypsy Moor
@Roy. Sure, man, lol. I wanted you to debate with him why the toms should be closer in the middle. You're the one who holds the banner, not me Smile. I just agreed with you.

@Franz. Yeah, but it still doesn't address my question. Loudness range and dynamics range are 2 different things as per my understanding of the both. The LUFS (loudness unit relative to full scale) does not indicate dynamics range; it only indicates how loud it is "relatively" to human perception and electrical intensity (in our case, current/voltage, I assume). There is no where in the definition of LUFS that says one can use it to measure dynamic range. There is a way but using Peak-to RMS, not LUFS. Peak-toRMS makes more sense to me to use to measure dynamics range. Even the range has a lot of room to wiggle, from 10dBs-5dBs depending on genre. But this is only the technical point of view.

I will still try your advice and suggestions if they make sense to me. I am not saying your opinion of my mix is wrong; it might well be over compressed and out of balance, but not bc it's 3.8 or whatever, bc LUFS is a wrong measurement to use, or, at the very least, not a right instrument to rely on.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ferryboat Men- Wind of Gypsy Moor - by SonicTramp - 06-05-2024, 05:05 PM