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The Ferryboat Men- Wind of Gypsy Moor
Hi SonicTramp,

So, your mix (V3) directly presents a certain number of faults.
I listened to it on a number of listening systems including the car, in which your mix is really disappointing. Just by looking at certain figures (but this is not the most important), you have a TruePeak of + 1 dB (while it should be negative) and a loudness of only 3.8 LU which explains (partly ) the really compressed side and without any dynamics of your mix.

Having said that, the general balance is really debatable: above ALL your mix I hear the electric guitar (guitar 1 track 17) and I only hear it. In the other direction, the voices are downright undermixed: barely audible. Your sound space is too restricted (toms almost in mono). In fact, your general atmosphere is more "rock" oriented while it is a rather "cool" song, "folk-pop" atmosphere. Now, it's your choice that I respect.
You are still far from the original mix, which I find a little muffled and overdone in terms of general dynamics (abuse of cleverly hidden compressors) but which delivers a fairly artificial sound (noise-gate effects).
Sorry for being so harsh. But if it can possibly be useful...


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ferryboat Men- Wind of Gypsy Moor - by Franz - 05-05-2024, 08:33 PM