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My mix, Sugar
Hey John, nice one , drum kit, great improvement, love to kick drum sound.
All elements have good placement in the mix , nice sounding acoustics Guitars, they are not dominating the Mix.

just two pointers, firstly lower the drum buss ; the who le drum kit; down 3Db.

Then second;

Bass guitar ;well At the moment it has a lot of sub energy which is way too much, and it needs to be heard more even. On bass guitar total stay away from boosting the lows and look at the highs

So lets do simple!!!!! on bass track boost medium wide a little at 800- 900kh then 3 db at 10kh
then using a compressor set 4:1 ratio to start as not to over compress , fast attack and fast release, then lower threshold and gain reduction 4DB , THEN USE make up gain raise 2db. the bass notes should sound even with no drop outs. now balance against the kick drum , so turn up bass untill kick drum gets lost in mix and then drop in down slowly un -till the kick comes back through.

Good work john , all other elements and tone and balances sounding good and coming together , just those 2 things.

Keep on keeping on

Messages In This Thread
My mix, Sugar - by john-keast - 21-04-2024, 10:57 PM
RE: My mix, Sugar - by Rustyruss - 22-04-2024, 02:39 PM
RE: My mix, Sugar - by john-keast - 22-04-2024, 05:49 PM
RE: My mix, Sugar - by Rustyruss - 23-04-2024, 04:09 PM