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DaimonB-Toxic-Damage's already done-
Hi sonic tramp, listen to take 2.
Am find vocals are sitting right on top of track; mainly in the chorus, making the track sound disconnected.
This is due to your other elements being smashed with compression; losing most of the dynamics, furthermore pushing all the high mids forwards. this also makes the track and harsh. further more there is a massive contrast between the verse low mids and the chorus . you mix buss and master compression is making track have difference in levels; because not a lot going on in verse its not reacting ;then chorus kicks in a n volume drops, needs looking at for a consistent sound
. the kick in verse is clashing with bass. You are getting there, nice that you keep on trying with this one as it is a mix of FQS.


Messages In This Thread
RE: DaimonB-Toxic-Damage's already done- - by Rustyruss - 18-04-2024, 09:34 AM