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The Ferryboat Men- Wind of Gypsy Moor
Overall it works fairly well.

I like the toms being centered. I do think they could be a bit ‘rounder’. If I didn’t know better I’d just think that Tom 2 (I think) was a a snare. The accented hits feels a bit too accented for the part.
I’d consider muting the snare bottom mic, maybe the top too, to keep that section a little cleaner and minimize the sympathetic rattle.
That said, it works as is.

I feel like I’m hearing some gating on the snare? Not sure but every once in a while it jumps out at me.

The Bass guitar might be a bit loud. I can’t say. It works for this song but still think that it could sit back in the mix.

Guitar 2 could come back some in the B section of the verse. It feels on top of the mix. 

I hear the guy yelling something at 3:10 which isn’t important at all but I remember a few times when I was mixing and getting thrown off in the solo. I kept stopping and thinking someone was calling be before I realized it was on the track. It seems to stand out more here which is fine and more cool than anything.

I’m not sure mixing the DI and the processed solo sound together works. If you’re doing it to get some more definition then that’s cool but the DI would probably need some compression and whatever to help it sit better. Right now it just pokes out.

I think the background vocals could come back. Especially when compared with the Lead Vocal going into the 2nd Verse.

I’m not a fan of the nature sound effects, myself. I dropped them entirely. But if left in I think they should come back and be more ‘felt’ in the background and less prominent. Also there doesn't need to be a few minutes of waves after the song is over. you can totally chop that off. In a tasteful way, of course.

Overall, tonally it pretty much works. It’s not unpleasant to listen to. It feels balanced, frequency wise. Maybe bass heavy. Maybe a lille midrang-y in the 600-700 hz area.

I think I keep saying things should come back and I think it speaks to a blending issue. I can hear everything but it could feel more ‘congealed’, if that makes sense, for my taste. Maybe automation would help. Hard for me to say at the moment. It also is somewhat dry. Some reverb or other spacial effects might make blend together.

Or maybe not? Just my thoughts. Hope that helps.


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ferryboat Men- Wind of Gypsy Moor - by Roy - 17-04-2024, 03:46 PM