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Babe Grand - Aiguille Rouge (Ken Alex Mix).mp3
  • Between the Kick, KickSub, Snare, Taiko, SteelDrum, Bass, and Synth5 there are decisions that need to be made about the bass and low midrange region. Plenty of different ways to approach it, if I were to do this mix again I might try some other variation.
  • For this mix there was a lot of highpassing up to 100hz for a lot of tracks and multiband compression for the low end drums like Taiko (might've over did it though)
  • Ducked the Taiko when Kick hit for the overlapping hits
  • Synth5 I also ducked with the entire Drums group and a duck in the lower region when the Bass track comes in
  • Synth5 is quite peaky and constant, used some Delay and Saturation to hopefully "undry" it a bit
  • I liked the rhythmic pulse of Synth01 so tried to emphasize that a bit; also tried to clamp down on the parts where it becomes a paddy synth
  • Experimented a bit with Reverb by sending almost all tracks to (2) auxes: 1 aux solo'ing the Middle and a 2 aux solo'ing the Sides with some latency, both going into the Reverb fx aux. Different levels for the M and S sends for Drums and Synths group, hopefully adding width for Synths and giving Drums mostly Mid energy.

.mp3    Babe Grand - Aiguille Rouge (Ken Alex Mix).mp3 --  (Download: 6.68 MB)


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Babe Grand - Aiguille Rouge (Ken Alex Mix).mp3 - by krujap777 - 03-04-2024, 03:05 AM