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Mix of All Hands Lost 'Ambitions'
The compression is way too much. You can hear the song dipping in and out because of it. When you EQ do more cutting out on frequencies than adding to make space for the other instruments. Good rule of thumb is to make sure no instrument is in the way of another. The delay on the vocals sounds cool but if they weren't being masked by all the other instruments i'm sure the delay would be a little too loud. I was listening to the song at low levels and I could notice that bass is really loud! When I turned it up I started wondering if thats where your compression problems are coming from. Overall I think it just needs a good cleaning on the EQ'ing and go a little easier on the compression. Try compressing through different sends and have them each doing just a bit of compression so you don't just overload the compressor you're using. Maybe a 2:1 on the bass channel and go from there.

BTW! Listen to my version of this mix and comment on it please! Thank you!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mix of All Hands Lost 'Ambitions' - by daniel.romero311 - 12-12-2013, 10:00 AM