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Really good stuff, overall Big Grin And in my opinion better than my mix when I did it in 2019 hahaha

Some first impressions:

Spectral balance is overall good.
Though, drum shell attack is a little too clicky (sounds like overly aggressive high-mid transient shaping) and the cymbals are a little shrill, so maybe more room instead of straight OH (this is very generally a good rule of thumb for a more natural drum sound out of programmed drums)

Where's the bass gone?
It's very masked overall, but especially noticeable in the verses where it's drums+bass+vox only (seems to be high passed around 120hz from looking at a spectrogram) so definitely bring that up overall. For full band sections, try saturating or just boosting 400-600hz in the bass track to round out the guitar tone (guitars and bass should be one cohesive sound in contemporary metal, depending on aesthetic).
Mark Mynett refers to this as "sonic weight" (a really important element of "heaviness") so definitely try to address this to make the most of your mix Smile

Backing vox (Mike) are a little unnaturally wide and often pull you to one side of the mix. Try getting them more cohesive and pushing them back in relation to the main vocals with a short reverb for some natural width.

Main vox (Oana)
a little too in your face compared to the rest of the mix, pull them back a touch.

The middle orchestra-y bit
This shows that mastering was a little too aggressive because this section that is supposed to be soft and intimate, but sounds quite hyped and compressed (this section is perceivable louder than full band sections). Try backing off on processing overall here, and try to let then instrument programming speak musically and let it breathe with a natural reverb.

5:45 "angry vox"
I had in mind to support the scream with that "lazy pitched talking" the way lamb of god does in choruses as support, but you had an interesting take on this, to reverse it. Personally, it's a little boring to listen to so maybe switch them around, but if you feel like it works then definitely keep it (maybe even give it some time-based and stereo pan (rotary) effect/s to make it interesting?)

6:24 "ayayaya" vox
That's definitely one of those support vocals for stereo effect, but again quite interesting you switched the main and back vox around. Though, i feel like it'S a little disjointed from the rest. Try to make this more cohesive Smile

a little too high frequency hyped, but that's possibly due to processing at the mix stage?

Again, overall really good and you've obviously put a lot of work into it. It's not an easy song as others have said so keep at it. Overall, I would personally like more "natural" processing but it depends on the aesthetic you're striving for.
Audio tech (BA, MA), Producer, Musician
Omnifear - bass, 2nd vox (deathcore)
Arcadian Alone - solo project (contemporary metal)

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5OVEREIGNTY Mix - by 5OVEREIGNTY - 15-02-2024, 06:32 AM
RE: 5OVEREIGNTY Mix - by theonlyratatoskr - 24-03-2024, 12:04 PM