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PepperMix - Toxic
Sup guys!!
Decided to mix this fun one just to not let myself get rusty at mixing hehe
Anyways, about the multitracks: What an awesome production! Punchy drums, lots (AND LOTS) of vocals, nice arrangement, so on and so forth. Really dig this song. Huge thanks to Daimon B for sharing this tune.

Went for a more "meat and potatoes" approach on this one: since every track is hyped to the extreme, I knew right away I didn't need to do much about processing or doing post production stuff.
1. Drums came out pretty "natural" , witch is kinda weird considering it's cleary programmed to the grid and it doesn't have much ghost notes.
2. Guitars were pretty hard to settle because I had to chooose between a more "gritty" tone with not so much low end or go for a softer high end letting the low end breathe a bit more, but controlled so it doesn't mask bass and vocals. Judging by the mix, y'all can cleary hear I went for the second type haha
3. Stereo bass for parts w/o guitars, mono bass to simulate an bass guitar. didn't feel much was needed
4. What an absurd amount of vocal tracks hahahahah I had to create a new project just to process them properly. After that, some basic effects like delays, reverb and a parallel distortion channel to get it to cut through the dense intrumental parts. Didn't need to do any sorta weird processing.

Anyways, I think the mix came out pretty cool!! What y'all think?

EDIT: Mix 2 edited with high end fixes, being:
1. Turning down 2dB on the Overhead track (yes, it was that easy to fix the problem Big Grin);
2. Since turing down Overheads made low end too loud, I controlled more of the bass with 2dB of compression using Kick as the sidechain (was already doing this on the "EDM parts", just to give it a bit more exctiment, but now using it for controlling low end);
3. A touch more De-Essing on vocals (2dB max) and a bit more limiting to control the loudest parts;
3. With those changes I could force my mix a bit more into the final limiter, witch makes my changes less noticeable but the mix is indeed louder (good sign!)

EDIT: Mix 3 using some Spectral Compression
Found out recently about this Spectral Compression plugin (by Robbert van der Helm), witch emulates Soothe, but it's a bit trickier to get the right settings. After correctly dialing in this badboy on the Overheads (for controling any ringing frequencies around 4-6kHz), Drum Room (remove harshness) and Master (controling the sum of sibilance + high end from the cymbals), vói-lá, now the mix is even better.

You can check out the plugin here. Be careful, though! It's a bit buggy and consumes a lot of CPU to run.

.mp3    T0xic Mix.mp3 --  (Download: 6.24 MB)

.mp3    T0xic Mix 2.mp3 --  (Download: 6.24 MB)

.mp3    T0xic Mix 3.mp3 --  (Download: 6.24 MB)


if it sounds good, do it bruh

Messages In This Thread
PepperMix - Toxic - by Peppermark - 08-03-2024, 10:56 PM
RE: PepperMix - Toxic - by filipandrei - 09-03-2024, 02:44 PM
RE: PepperMix - Toxic - by Shul - 11-03-2024, 01:38 AM
RE: PepperMix - Toxic - by Peppermark - 12-03-2024, 02:54 PM
RE: PepperMix - Toxic - by Patsculle - 17-03-2024, 12:01 PM
RE: PepperMix - Toxic - by SonicTramp - 13-04-2024, 08:42 AM