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Widow Flymix
Only able to listen on the PC speakers, but already I can hear some unique angles here -- the rustling percussion, the interestingly contrasting spaces (especially on the BVs, mellotron, and rhythm clav). Love the delay spin on the Dre-style lead synth heading into the section boundaries. Great lateral thinking too with the vocal sample -- not only putting it much drier than I'd ever imagined it (brings it nicely up front, so it doesn't get lost in the layers) but also merging it with the ad libs in a cleverly disconcerting way. It's great the depth you seem to get in your mixes. Sounds like a lot of careful thought's been given to send effects in particular. Only slightly fly in the ointment is that it sounds like the second half of the final double chorus loses too much energy -- it's as if it loses momentum somehow. The loss of the lead vocals hasn't been compensated for by anything.

Still, thanks for letting us hear that version, because the effects use is inspiring!

Messages In This Thread
Widow Flymix - by flyrecords - 28-11-2013, 09:15 PM
RE: Widow Flymix - by Mike Senior - 05-12-2013, 07:45 AM