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Skelpolu - Anomalous Weeping (Hein-Ivan Mix)
Hello Hein, I've just been enjoying your mix of Anomalous Weeping. I know you did this a few years ago but I wanted to know if you could explain your approach, if not specifically, then in general for some of the elements in this track.

1. Drums - I was comparing the kick and snare to my own and was wondering if you mixed in other samples or was all processing. The punch, tone, and tightness are completely different from what I could get.

2. Synths and Flute - these elements are very upfront and solid with a lot of the "wispiness" removed (noise and weak frequencies) is the best way to describe it, although it was difficult for me to emulate.

Anything else that comes to your mind is obviously welcome. Thanks!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Skelpolu - Anomalous Weeping (Hein-Ivan Mix) - by krujap777 - 07-01-2024, 07:12 PM